Postdoctoral Fellowships in Star- and Planet Formation, Astrochemistry
Two postdoctoral positions of 3-4 years each will be available within
the Molecular Astrophysics group of Prof. dr. Ewine van Dishoeck
located at Leiden Observatory, the Netherlands. The positions are
centered around JWST-MIRI and NIRSPEC (guaranteed and open time)
spectroscopic observations of protostars and planet-forming disks to
trace - in concert with ALMA data - the journey of molecules from
clouds to disks and the inventory of the material that will form
One position will be observationally oriented by working directly with
the JWST observations: the Leiden group has access to several hundred
hours of guaranteed and open time data that target a variety of lines
of molecules and ices in a wide range of sources. The second position
focuses on physico-chemical models of the excitation, chemistry and
evolution of molecules in the planet-forming zones of disks.
The postdocs will be part of a diverse international team studying the
physical and chemical structure and evolution of protostars and disks.
They are expected to support and co-supervise PhD or MSc
students, and are encouraged to also pursue a personal research
program. The positions can start anytime in summer 2022 or later.
Candidates with an observational or theoretical background in
astrochemistry, star- and planet formation, planet-forming disks,
and/or familiarity with infrared or submillimeter spectroscopy, are
encouraged to apply.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, publication list, and
a brief statement of research experience and interests, and arrange
for at least three letters of reference to be uploaded on the relevant
website. Review of applications will start on November 1 2021.
Please submit your applications to