jointly organised by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Torino, INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri and IPAG University of Grenoble Alpes.
The conference will take place the 13-17 September 2021 in the Department of Chemistry, University of Torino, Italy.
The meeting will be held physically, respecting the distancing rules, unless there is a new outbreak of COVID-19.
As a consequence the limit for the number of attending participants is 80.
To date, only 20 free seats remain, so hurry up!
May 28: Deadline for registration and abstract submission. We have postponed it to allow a better understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic evolution and the clarification on the travelling rules linked to the vaccination process.
We still have about 20 free seats, so hurry up!
15 June: Announcement of the selected oral contributions.
15 July: Deadline for payment of the registration fee
How the chemical complexity evolves during the process leading to the formation of a Sun and its planetary system? Is the chemical richness of a Solar-like planetary system, at least partially, inherited from the earliest stages or is there a complete chemical reset? A powerful way to answering these questions is by comparing the chemical content in young protostars and primitive bodies of the Solar System, using astrochemistry as a tool. Yet, to do so, we need to fully understand the processes that govern the chemical evolution of a molecular cloud into a young planetary system.
The goal of the conference is to gather together the actors of this intrinsically interdisciplinary endeavor: astronomers, chemists and modellers. The recent huge progresses in the three areas make the time ripe for these communities to join and ride this scientific wave.
With the above goal, the conference aims at stimulating the interest and discussion on:
*) The new results from the powerful observing facilities, such as the IRAM-NOEMA, ALMA and VLA interferometers, and the chemical composition during the youngest phases of Solar-like planetary systems, from prestellar cores to protoplanetary disks, with particular emphasis on the interstellar complex organic molecules;
*) The recent progresses due to the enhancement of high-performance computing facilities combined with efficient quantum chemistry algorithms, which allow for the in-silico simulation of many chemical processes occurring both in gas-phase and at grain surfaces;
*) The latest laboratory experiments which have provided new insights on the possible processes occurring in the interstellar conditions;
*) The new generation astrochemical models as well as the innovative tools to interpret the astronomical observations that have seen the light in the last few years;
*) The most recent results on the chemical composition of the small bodies of the Solar System.
The conference will consist of four sessions, where astronomical observations and modelling as well as laboratory experiments and theoretical computations will be reviewed and discussed:
1. Interstellar Ices
2. Molecular Complexity
3. Molecular Fractionation
4. Cometary Ices
Two invited speakers will introduce each session.
In addition to the invited speakers, the conference will consist of several contributed talks, where a particular attention will be given to young researchers contributions.
Ample time will be reserved to poster sessions, to allow for the discussions that we have been missing for more than one year now.
Support for PhD and young students is planned.
N. Balucani (University of Perugia, Italy), D. Bockelée-Morvan (Observatoire de Paris, France), A. Boogert (University of Hawaii, USA), P. Caselli (MPE, Garching, Germany), J. Cernicharo (Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC, Madrid, Spain), R. Martín-Domenech (CfA, Cambridge, USA), M. McCoustra (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom), S. Tachibana (University of Tokyo, Japan)
P. Ugliengo (co-chair), C. Codella (co-chair), A. Barucci, C. Ceccarelli,
L. Piccirillo, A. Rimola, C. Vastel, S. Viti, S. Yamamoto
The conference is organised in the context of the EC H2020 projects ITN AstroChemical Origins (ACO) ad ERC Dawn of Organic Chemistry (DOC).
For more informations and questions, please contact or look at