AstroChemical Newsletter

The AstroChemical Newsletter is a monthly compilation of recently accepted publications in the field of astrochemistry (astrophysical observations and modeling as well as theoretical and experimental chemical-physics related to astronomical environments). You can submit abstracts using the form on the right before the 25th of the month, after a reviewing process by the editors they will appear in the following monthly newsletter. AstroChemical Newsletter is not an article archive, we strongly advise you to put your articles on arXiv/astro-ph and insert the corresponding link in your submission along with the article DOI if available from your publisher.
You can also submit announcements such as job offers and conference advertisements.

Editors : Pierre Gratier, Marcelino Agúndez, Mathieu Bertin, Edith Fayolle, Valentine Wakelam

Abstract submission

Fill in the form below to add your abstract

We collect your email to be able to contact you if we have questions about your submission.

Announcement submission

Fill in the form below to add your announcement (jobs, conferences, prizes...)

We collect your email to be able to contact you if we have questions about your submission.